Spring School: Digitalisierung in Technik und Wirtschaft

Digital www

In der der digitalen Spring School „Digitalisierung in Technik und Wirtschaft“ beschäftigen sich Studierende in interdisziplinären Teams mit Unternehmensgründungen auf Basis von aus der Praxis eingespeisten Themen.

CASA Summer School 2023


The CASA Summer School 2023 on Software Security covers topics in software testing, automatic vulnerability discovery, static program analysis, fuzzing, human factors of usable security and privacy, and advanced exploitation. Software security is a complex and interdisciplinary field that requires knowledge in many areas. Therefore, the summer school brings together experts and students from computer […]

Entrepreneur­ship Explorer Ruhr: Bootcamp 2023

Your idea, your impact! The Entrepreneurship Explorer supports you as a young scientist in the development and implementation of your business idea in the field of cybersecurity. Are you committed to finding out how much potential is in your business idea? If you can convince us of your commitment and idea, you will be invited […]

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