Our Services

Cube 5’s services are aimed at people interested in founding a company and startups in the fields of IT security and future communication technologies (6G). We provide general information on the topic of founding in consultation hours, support and accompany teams in the “StartUpSecure” and “StartUpConnect” funding programs of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and provide contact persons from our ecosystem. With our preCUBE and inCUBE funding programs, we offer comprehensive and needs-based startup support for people interested in founding a company and young teams.

Consultation hour

Questions will be answered about possible funding, events and other offers relating to start-ups in IT security or in the field of future communication systems.


With sCUBE, we present regional startup events where you can develop your entrepreneurial mindset. Get to know inspiring founders and catch the startup bug.


The smart organization system for ITS startup ideas: Our new preCUBE consulting service is geared towards the needs and pace of ITS students interested in founding a company.


The Next Gen incubator inCUBE for early-stage startups in the fields of cybersecurity and future communication technologies offers intensive five-month support through workshops, coaching, mentoring and networking.


xCUBE is our specialized offer that addresses young and mature startups (grownups) as well as corporates in the field of IT security and cybersecurity. The focus is on networking these players within the ecosystem in Bochum and the region.


Cube 5 supports teams in submitting applications for the BMBF funding program StartUpSecure. Research teams from German universities or startups can apply.


Cube 5 supports teams in the application process for the BMBF funding program StartUpConnect. The initiative is aimed at start-ups in the field of modern and future communication technologies (6G).