They are highly educated and the forthcoming doctorate opens up numerous perspectives for them. Especially then, it is often not easy to decide which path is the right one for you personally. The new event format on career paths provides impulses for doctoral candidates in IT security.
Which career paths are there, which suits me and what do I really want? The Cube 5 incubator, together with CASA, SecHuman and NERD.NRW graduate schools, invited experts and guests from the various career areas to pursue these and other questions.
In addition to careers in science (Prof. Dr. Tim Güneysu, RUB) and economy (Stefan Hölzner, KPMG), the participants were given the opportunity to examine self-employment and entrepreneurship as professional perspectives in the panel discussions in the afternoon.

Dr. Carsten Willems was a guest. He founded his startup VMRay with Dr. Ralf Hund in 2013. The team develops innovative security solutions to detect and defend against cyber attacks.

The event took place on November 25, 2019 at the Ruhr University Bochum and was organized by Cube 5 in cooperation with the gruaduate schools CASA, SecHuman and NERD.NRW.